Renato Curci
Comedian and Author
About me

In 1981 he met the mime artist Hugo Suárez, who introduced to him the world of pantomime and visual theatre and with whom he was to set up an intense professional partnership for the next years. In 1983 he moved to Paris, where he completed his training at the Théâtre Forum (Augusto Boal method). From then on, he was brought into contact with the most diverse theatrical techniques, in an endless tension between experimentation of new meta-languages, artistic creativity and social commitment. In 2004 he moved to Lima (Peru) where he re-united with Hugo Suárez. There Hugo Suárez , Renato Curci and Anna Santa Cruz created the company La santa Rodilla, that produced "Manologias", a non-verbal show that was a great success in noumerous Puppet and Theater Festivals around the world.
In June 2005 Renato Curci set up Circoforum Theatre Company and since then he is dedicated to create short stories with a comic and poetic language, often without words and with the use of the expressive potential of the human body. The stories are inspired mainly from everyday life and experiences. There is a constant creative evolution in all the projects. During the creation process funny pictures are shaped within the boundaries of theater and mimic acts, together with a mixture of poetry, humor and a sense of the absurd. Renato Curci often collaborates with other performers and artists.
Renato Curci is an author (member of the SIAE, Italian Society of Authors and Publishers), an actor and a comedian. He uses various theatrical techniques, from cabaret and mime to grammelot and visual theatre/puppetry, specially designed for open spaces as well as for indoor theatres. In 2011 he published the book: Teatro di liberazione, Edizioni La Meridiana, in which he shares his knowledge and practices on making theatre.